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There are two types of Telecom Infrastructures in India which is Active & Passive. Passive Infrastrures in India leading Players like Indus Towers, Bharti Infratel, Tower vision, American Tower Corporation,Reliance infrastructures,BSnl etc. Mostly in India, Passive Infrastural growth not very remarkable. Like power Supply diesel Genset is very costly effective in remote corners. because diesel Genset is wasting money to run the diesel generator to maintain the tower running to upkeep network level high. As an alternative measures, solar power, wind power,Hydrogen Gas is also too costly to implement the same in india. very few Telecom infrastructures in India can effort this.


Also most of the Telecom passive infra products are imported from China because Chinese product has got a good demand in Indian market. Like Battery bank are imported from Chinese market. Also Inadequate supply of materials in time also affected to most of the telecom Industries growth because net work failure which cant offer 99.99% upkeep time maintained.

Also Civil & Electrical work not proper in some of the remote areas. Like Boundary wall foundation not strongpillar based. Most of the boundary walls not solid. In many cases, boundary walls are broken due to not civil foundations strong.

Most of the GBT Towers Radio Frequecy planning are not correct, so there is a signal problem in remoter corners. Also most of the Buildings roof top towers are not proper maintenance due to enough space & safety hazards from Telecom tower maintenance companies. Most of the AC’s not maintained properly which gives cool in the shelter room. Most of the Telecom towers in the remote corners not maintained proper security guards as well as not proper Electricty Board.


Most of the Passive Telecom Infrastructions is not proper AT certifications when a particular tower is in Air declared. There are different stages of AT before a tower declared on Air.

Most of RTT towers LandOwner disputes due to legal aspects. Also proper Environmental certificate is also a issue to make growth Telecom Infrastures in India. Most of the RTT towers situated in a very old building which is also at a risk on account of Earth Quake etc.


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The niche of gaining development in a particular profession is possible when there is scope and room for career development in the professional. The career development has be recognised as a process through which an individual can get involved in varieties of activities, in order to add hike to his pay scale and job profile (Rega, 2014).

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What contribution do managers and/or leaders make to the creation of an organisation which is excellent place to work?

To be an excellent place to work, individuals should have a clear knowledge as to how the organisation will grow in the future and how he or she will have a secured growth along with the organisation. A leader and/or manager will give comprehensive vision about the future growth of the organisation along with directional ideas that will result in the predicted growth and generate confidence in people to work on these designs. There is actually no limitation towards the identification of basic potentiality of an organizational manager, if he or she can recruit efficient people. People benefit from working under leadership which takes calculated risk through empowering individuals, and thereby instilling confidence on the organization for personal growth and security.


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As mentioned by John Maxwell in his ‘The Irrefutable Laws of Teamwork‘, the single biggest way to lay effective impact over the functionalities of an organization, can be achieved when its developed leaders. The goals of an organization are cascaded down to its employees in terms of stretched individual targets. Accomplishments of these individual targets will ultimately reflect on the performance of the organization.

Within an organization, people have to be lead through new ideas and inspiration to work as a team and improve their way of working to meet these stretched targets. Management on the other hand is to set systems and processes in place to help implementation of these ideas, coordination between teams and individuals for achieving the targets. Hence, leading and managing people within organization are essential for organizational performance.


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An illustrative understanding about the types of leaderships prevalent in the contemporary society has been well identified by Raza (2016). According to Razaq, there are 12 types of leadership styles. These leadership styles can be well perceived through the research led by Vroom (2007).

The foremost style is that of the autocratic leadership style that is recognised as boss-oriented. This style can be exemplified by the autocratic ruling as practiced by Napoleon Bonaparte in 18th century. This style locks all the ways of consultations with subordinates.

The next is the democratic style of leadership. In this style, the subordinates are part of the decision making process, yet the ultimate decision is taken by the head in agreement with the subordinates. However, as exemplified by the democratic governance in the political system, like India.

In the modern international marketing scenario, the trend of cross-cultural leadership is getting tremendous hold. As exemplified by the leaders of the companies like McDonald and KFC, it is under this trend that the organisational leaders are very particular in mixing up with the culture of the market and follow the cross-cultural trend among the employees for controlling any kind of discrimination.

The laissez-faire kind of leadership can be noted in the organisational systems like advertising agencies and product design firms, where the employees are offered with enough liberty to develop the organisation (Gill, 2014). In these companies, the leaders offer least possible interference in the developing strategies of the departments, though remain fully aware of the same.

The transactional leadership trend as maintained at Hewlett-Packard, where the management is very strict in maintaining its status quo with the employees (Spahr, 2014). As reported by Spahr (2014), at Hewlett-Packard the followers of management are liable to gain immediate reward, and are idealised for keeping the orders of the leaders.

The trend of coaching leadership comprises the process of training and further supervising the subordinates. It is under this trend that Bersin & Associates derived the process of maintaining internal strategic management building structure, for a stronger futuristic foundation (Greene, 2012). Being highly-operational in character, this is a trend that emphasises in developing in-house staff as future managers.

The essence of charismatic leadership can be marked in the case of leadership trends as established by Richard Branson. It is under his charismatic leadership trend that Virgin as a company attained new heights.


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Q3. Consider the claim that it was a “bad” management and leadership of employees within the banking sector, which led to the financial crisis in 2008.


Ans: The financial crisis of 2008 or the global financial crisis id identified as a collapse of banking sector and eventually the “bad” management and leadership of employees within the banking sector. It is important to note here that the vision of the banking institution leadership to invest in real estate for its economic growth and relaxation of norms by the banking management to give high risk loans to individuals/organization, who are already into real estate business, has been the major cause of 2008 financial crisis. The money created by loans was again invested by banks in real estate. Ultimately, real estate prices rose sky-high along with the levels of personal debt but income stayed normal forcing people to stop loan repayment. Properties flooded the market bring the real estate value and market crashed with banks itself facing bankruptcy.


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— Rosenfield (2015) illustrated that decisions related to facility location are very vital in terms of offering added benefits to the organisational profit margin. A wrong decision in this domain can harm the growth plan of the company at large. There are some basic types under which the company must make its decision related to the location, and in case it meets the demands of the company the location turns into the facility location.

Consideration related to the proximity of the consumers is the major type of facility location. As this location gets selected, the company saves expenses related to transportation of carrying the goods to the customers.

Selection of the right business area is very important. For this purpose the facility location needs to identify an area that has similar businesses around it. With similar businesses in the neighbourhood, the business become conducive as buyers prefer to visit a place where choices can be made (Karakitsiou, 2015).

The next type of facility location refers to factory establishment, where the availability of labour in a particular location appears very helpful for the company. In terms of manufacturing units, or even educational institutions, the availability of skilled population offers huge facility of growth to the company (Rosenfield, 2015).

Agreements related to free trade and availability of suppliers are other two types of facility location. Agreement with the particular zone for trading and gaining relevant suppliers for the same zone are the two basic essentials for the expansion of any business. These facilities also needs to keep a check on the trading policies of the particular nation.

Lastly, keeping in tally with environmental policies of the location is very important for a company. Following the rules of global regulations and the regulations the by the particular nation are significant aspects to be noted by the company.


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