The Modern Age is the age of Science. Now-a-days we cannot take a single step forward without taking the help of Science. Science has made us what we are today. The Wonderful Inventions of Modern Science are so numerous that all of them cannot be mentioned within the short space of an Essay. Ancient timings man was used to travel by bullock cart but now-a-days man can travel from one place to another place world-wide within a few hours time by Aeroplanes. Science has Invented many wonderful machines which made our daily life very easy and smooth. Like Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence which can make traffice signals without the help of man. Many Developed Countries like Europe, India can manage their traffic signals by Artificial Intelligence.
Heavy Duty Cranes can lift heavy weights, Tractors can plough fields. Machines can cook our food and serve it for us. Electricity is another wonderful inventions of Modern science. Electricity made night to day itself. Science has made us wonderful inventions in case of medicines also. Vaccines check the spread of infections as cholera, smallpox, etc. penicillin and streptomycin have proved to be a boon for humanity. Through the x-ray and cat scanners we can see the inner parts of the human body. COVID-19 Pandemic also controlled by Science by inventing injections although it is on trial basis but yes, many human life save out of danger by wonderful inventions of life saving drugs.
Computer is another recent wonderful Inventions of Modern science. Computer is a machine which processes information and preserves memory. Computer makes calculation at very fast rate. Computer are being used in every field e.g. medicine, communication, space research, predicting weather, banks, industry, business and scientific research etc.
Still Science will contiue to play a more & more important role in the life of Man & society which cannot be deniel. Science can destroy a modern city in the Twinkle of eye by atomic Energy like Herosima and Nagasaki.
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Introduction This critically analytical paper is in reference to the gap analysis made towards business and corporate level strategies of NutriNut, the selected case study. In this paper the Capability Gap Analysis, Capability Analysis of Key Success Factors, developmental strategies and evaluation of the same by NutriNut are initiated for appropriate business development.
Gap analysis: Capability Gap Analysis Introduction The role of resources and their capabilities at NutriNut, concentrates in terms of creating competitive advantage in the current market of Australia and its plan to be a part of international business community. According to resource-based view (or the RBV), NutriNut is very valuable as it has the R&D accumulated components of Macadamia oil. The components of this oil are Palmitoleic and Oleic Acid that comes in combination with Phytosterols and Linoleic Fatty Acid properties, whereby a unique skin care product gets its shape. This is the ultimate strength of this company and the combination of the same is restricted to its owner, Tracey Newman.
Table 1 Capability gap analysis: NutriNut Functional area Capabilities required
NutriNut capabilities
Competitors’ capabilities
Operations Capability to manufacture in volume Adding continuous
The manufacturing units are limited to Australian market, as of now.
Red Earth Natio: has the reputation of growing faster with appropriate service
Strategic Analysis of NutriNut 4
development to operations Prompt Services
Newman is particular about the operational developments Services are already prompt
Neek Skin Organics: is very popular and a brand representing extensive manufacturing units as per increasing demands
Pricing Following income of the targeted consumers Price ranges should vary as per manufacturing costs
High fixed costs of the Nutri-Nut products Low level differences among the products
MooGoo: Prices vary as per the currency of the respective nation Iluka: Variations in quantity and pricing of the product for different classes of society Mukti Organics: Got fixed price as it concentrates in upper class of the society for maintaining brand image.
Strategic Analysis of NutriNut 5
Source: Adapted from Grant et al. (2014)
Table 2 Capability rating by resource
Source: Adapted from Grant et al. (2014)
Capability narrative Based on the aforementioned status of the capabilities of NutriNut in comparison with its competitors, this report lay focus on five basic capabilities that will assist the company in
Strategic Analysis of NutriNut 6
achieving better position amidst highly competitive market. These capabilities are discussed hereafter. Tangible resources, as in physical capability: In this analytical domain of assessing the capability of NutriNut, it has bene discovered that the company is better than its competitors. Its role is very clear in offering absolute organic product with excellent physical appeal (Teece, 2007; Ichrakie, 2013). Intangible resources, as in branding domain: Here, the position and role of NutriNut appears same as Neek Skin Organics. However, it is important to note here that all the other competitors are performing much better in establishing their brand image in the market. Davila, 2009; Ichrakie, 2013) Processes and systems, as in the selection of decision tools: According to the research initiatives of Teece (2009) and Broadbent & Laughlin (2009) the business proceedings of a company must have firm decisive tools. In this case NutriNBut relies absolutely on the decision of its owner, whereas all the other companies follow the decision of the Board of Directors, who are experts in diversified fields of manufacturing and marketing. Organisational culture, as in the maintenance of workplace attitude: The competitive edge in terms of workplace attitude has been widely discussed by Summers and Smith (2014) who laid emphasis on transparency of communication among every section of the organisation. NutriNut acts with excellence in this domain and this is better than its competitors. Organisational culture, as in the maintenance of ethics & values: in terms of maintenance of ethics and values, Bisbe & Malagueño (2009) and Schiller and Perera (2012) marks that an organisational culture should be well established as per the selected marketing domain. The role of NutriNut in this approach is remains average as it is also ready to take on adaption of different cultures as per the targeted market in international expansion process.
Strategic Analysis of NutriNut 7
Gap analysis: KSF – Capability Analysis Introduction In order to develop organisational status the implementation of key success factors from the external environment and the internal industry conditions must get the necessary competitive capabilities for gaining sustainability and growth (Grant, et al. 2014). According to the interpretations of Wu, et al (2010) for attaining regular growth, an organisation must have adequate amount of understanding about its activities, skills and resources. These are the aspects that must get analysd and reviewed in accordance to the competitive trend of the market. There are some relevant resources and professional skills among the employees of NutriNut that remain liable to get noted when it comes to the analytical platform of understanding the market positioning of NutriNut.
Table 3 KSF Capability: NutriNut Key Success Factors Capabilities Research and Development Unique use of Macadamia Nut Oil Innovation The management in particular ask for new ideas and innovative approaches to extend marketing expansion of the company
Communication Transparency All the employees and staff members are comfortable in getting communication with the owner of the company
Workplace Attitude At NutriNut there is a positive vibe in the
Strategic Analysis of NutriNut 8
workplace and there is no trace of discrimination at any ground
Adaption The company is well prepared to adapt every possible change that the new market demands
Source: Adapted from Grant et al. (2014)
Table 4 Rating KSFs Capabilities: NutriNut
KSF’s 1 2 3 4 5 Capabilities Research and Development Innovation Communication Transparency Workplace Attitude Adaption Technology Price Delivery Services
Source: Adapted from Grant et al. (2014)
Capability/KSF narrative
Research and Development: The R&D of NutriNut is very highly sophisticated. Its optimum
and unique way of extracting the Macadamia Nut Oil is the strongest point of the
organisational business of the company.
Strategic Analysis of NutriNut 9
Innovation: Pollock, et al (2009) considered the essence of innovation as the key to the success of any organisational strategy. In this case, NutriNut is very open to suggestions from the employees and the staff members. It even encourages innovative ideas and changes for organisational development. Communication Transparency:This is sector that is in great demand for international expansion of any firm or organisation (Felice and Petrillo, 2013). For NutriNut the transparency within the organisation is very visible and the same is assured to reach the consumers for building customer loyalty in the market. Workplace Attitude: Positive workplace attitude is the key to organisational growth of NutriNut in Australia. However, the company should also need to accept changes in its workplace attitude as it decides to expand markets in Asian nations (Bentes, et al 2012). It is here that the company must have resistance the risks and demands of the competitive market abroad. Technology: Currently, NutriNut is in demand of highly sophisticated technological backs up for managing the extensive online selling in the European nations. This is a domain that must get well nurtured and monitored with regular upgradation (Sara and Michael, 2007). Price: The current pricing strategy of NutriNut is very fixed. This must be changed to more flexible status as the company decides to cross borders (Kotler, et al., 2013). Delivery Services: Based on the speculations of Poveda-Bautista (2012) on international expansion, it is important that NutriNut organise its delivery proceedings as per the favourable services in every particular country. In case, there is a delay the possibilities of losing the client gets high.
Strategy development Introduction
Strategic Analysis of NutriNut 10
According to the research led by Bogomyagkov and Machulskyi (2012), the corporate-level strategies concentrate in the process of identifying the core competitors of a company, along with the kind of businesses that can create threat for the company. It is also a strategic management level, whereby the headquarter must remain efficient in handling all the other business corporate units of the company. On the other hand, business level strategies is about the adopt of the appropriate strategic structure to meet the competitive demands of the company. This is about the process of making decisions in favour of eeting business oriented competitive edges for a company (Bogomyagkov and Machulskyi, 2012).
Corporate-level strategies In order to meet the current organisational demands, NutriNut must follow Resource-Based View, in combination with agency theory for its global expansion. As marked by Daniel (2015) the implementation of ‘agency theory’ concentrates in ‘value creation’ among the consumers, and targets towards ‘wealth creation’ for the shareholders. An addition of RBV to this theory can add the elements of innovation and uniqueness of the products of NutriNut (see Appendix 1). As noted by Kraaijenbrink, et al (2010) the formulation of RBV can offer room for new ideas in the new markets. This is something that can combine with agency theory and will assist in the growth of NutriNut as shown in Table 5 below: Table 5 Product-market Matrix 1: NutriNut
Strategic Analysis of NutriNut 11
Source: Grant, et al. 2014)
Generic Business-level strategies For NutriNut, it is important to consider the cost leadership strategy and unlimited resources model under Porter’s generic strategies. According to Drnevich and Croson (2013) the generic strategic approach assists the company in pursuing the competitive advantage over the targeted market. Since NutriNut is very fixed with its costing strategy, the generic approach to the same will add consumer-oriented effectiveness to the prices of the products. A detailed assessment of “advantage or necessity” led by unlimited resources model will create demand oriented channel in terms of manufacturing the products for the respective market as noted in Table 6: Table 6 Product-market Matrix2: NutriNut
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Assessment Criteria 1.1 Explain how models of organization culture can be used to achieve organizational objectives. Siemens in order to achieve its strategic and operational objectives of expansion into automation and digitization need to enhance its corporate culture as well along with other business strategies. The company can consider the various dimensions of culture as proposed by Geert Hofstede (Browaeys & Marie-Joelle, n.d.). As per Geert Hofstede there are five cultural dimensions which are: Power distance: the power distance is defined as the extent to which powers are dispersed unequally in the organization. As per these dimension Siemens need to develop a culture of cordial relationship between superiors and subordinates bridging the status gap. Managers should not be viewed as dictator by its subordinates. Individualism vs. collectivism: In case of Individualism culture employees are more self centered and maintains less interpersonal relationship with others in the organization whereas in a collectivism organizational culture group integration is of high importance. Siemens through effective training and development should try to promote group cohesiveness in the organization. Masculinity – Femininity: This dimension is related to the gender discrimination in terms of values. Siemens should maintain a balance in distribution of job roles, responsibilities and remuneration between its both male and female workers. Uncertainty Avoidance: This relates to the tolerant point of a member to face any uncertain circumstances in the organization. Siemens through its tactful operation strategy need to develop a culture of low uncertainty avoidance. Long-Term vs. Short-Term Orientation: A long term orientation values job more than customs and relations whereas organization inhibiting short term orientation values its worker and its belief system. Siemens need to be sensitive towards its organizational as well as employee’s value system.
Assessment Criteria 1.2 explain the difference between organizational and national culture Germans believe in focusing on the task assigned to them. One of the dominant issue and central part of all business interactions is the performance of the task. German culture also defines the type of communication. The relationship level takes up a more subservient role in proficient life. Additionally, there are numerous bylaws, regulations, techniques and methods in the German companies. Written agreements and contracts are preferred by the German business people. Non-compliance to these rules and regulations may invite
3 penalties and rigid consequences. Though this culture foster consistency and mutual obligation yet it leaves no room for suppleness and individual fortitude (Expatica Germany, 2014) . Siemens also follows the same corporate culture of their home country to a great extent.
(Cheng & Seeger, 2011) carried out a study to assess the corporate culture of two different countries and find out whether the incompatible cultures may lead to synergy effect or not. He found out that understanding of cross culture is indispensable for mergers and acquisitions. Siemens is considered as the model of German engineering expertise. It has long-standing custom of worker synchronization and influential employee’s assemblies. Siemens also follows the German pattern of following standard operating procedures and processes. Moreover, Siemens observes a systematic process for decision-making and lay emphasis on detailing and performing task in order assigned.
As per the report of (CGMA, 2014) , Siemens have executed transparency in their meetings by encouraging uncluttered debates on moral issues and the ways to handle them. Such unambiguousness includes the exterior reportage of obedience linked progresses (Passport to trade 2.0, 2014a) stated that the Germans have inclination to be extra casual about time and constantly make certain they can manage time for the purpose of marketing. It also asserted that Germans are culturally aware and they have anticipations that others should understand them as an independent country. They are straightforward in their language and interpersonal communications in the organizations are largely belligerent and emphatic. Hinner (2009) stated in Cheng et al (2011) that Germans think that trivial talks are spoiling time activity as it has nothing to do with the work they are doing. German executives tend to offer their views in more of an argumentative style and open vocal belligerence appear to be endured more in the German society.
Germans observes low degree of flexibility and spontaneity in attitudes and values. They have clear demarcation between the things and people which enable them to live an organised life. Unexpected changes in the transactions in the business are not welcomed by them even if it is beneficial for them and they abhor absurdity in business as they take it very seriously. Moreover, colleagues do not require or presume to be admired is the corporate culture of Germans (Passport to trade 2.0, 2014b) . Siemens observes the culture of maintaining quality in their organization. Executives and employees in the organization are highly motivated and work towards improving the quality standards. In addition to this, ownership and equity culture prevalent in Siemens nurture a sense of belongingness among the employees of the organization. Thus, Siemens’ culture and German culture are more or less same and quite well aligned.
Assessment Criteria 1.3 analyze the corporate cultural profile in an organization
4 Siemens is one of the most successful companies of Germany in the field of worldwide electronic market. It attained such a respectable position by delivering sustainable value to their customers (Siemens, 2005) . Siemens was formed in 1847 in Berlin by two men namely Telegraphen-Bauanstalt von Siemens & Halske. It emerged as one of the most successful and highly reputed company of Germany. Siemens attained a leading position with the invent of telegraph, dynamo and primary x-ray machine for the human beings (Simens, 2008) .
Siemens is one of the premier corporations of Germany. It is one the giant corporate in the field of electrochemical and electronics. Like any other German Export firms, Siemens AG also targeted U.S. markets. Investments in research and development have been made by Siemens aggressively. It has a remarkable position amongst companies of U.S. as the recipient of copyrights and donor to prominent American universities and academies for co-operative research plans. It’s because of qualified German public and training system which facilitated in essential human capital required by Siemens to be at leading position in highly competitive electrochemical industry (Siemens, 2009) . As per the report of (IBEF, 2013) , Siemens is international participant in integrated circuit technology, engineering and electronics. A SMART strategy was launched by the company in 2009 focussing on affordability, reliability timeliness and maintenance free perspectives of the products. Additionally, the company transformed from being workforce-centric from consumer-centric. The company claims of having highly contended employees. Siemens stands as the largest technology company of the world. It has made many technological modernizations in the areas of power, healthcare, engineering and substructure (Siemens, 2014b) . One of the key strategic step taken by Siemens is the localization which is the key behind is success all over the world. Strategic initiatives taken by Siemens and launching at appropriate time, emphasis on the workforce and escalating sales channels leads to the prosperity of the company (SMC, 2015) . Compliance with the internal and external rules and regulations of the company is required for the achieving full social potential of corporate responsibility. Observing compliance with the law and regulation is seen as the part of their self-image and corporate culture by Siemens. The company finds the need to outlook acquiescence as a face of their corporate values and as fragment of a dynamic company and administrative culture. This modification is buttressed by the Compliance Program of Siemens, which is alienated into the following three mainstays: Prevent, Detect and Respond (Siemens, 2013c) . Siemens is of the view that a company cannot reap the benefits of its outstanding strategies if they lack in strong culture. The company therefore aims towards fostering ownership culture which encourage every employee of the organization to strive towards long term success of the company (Siemens, 2014b) . Siemens has a culture of strict adherence to company policies and values. The analysis also provided that the company lays high emphasis on duly complying with its corporate social responsibility. In addition to this,
customers are the most important stakeholder in company’s culture. But there are inherent loopholes in the company relating to leadership gaps and communication gaps. Assessment Criteria 1.4 Discuss the impact of an organization’s corporate culture in achieving its objectives An organization’s cultural climate has significant impact on the way it attains its objectives in the short-run and long-run. Siemens aims at customer satisfaction, quality maintenance, strict policy adherence and stakeholder development (Siemens, 2011) . As per the report of (Siemens, 2011) , the quality culture prevailing in the organization pay emphasis on the customer as the key factor for the continuous success of the organization. They are keen in incessant enhancement of their quality as a part of their top priority. A satisfied customer is fundamental to success of any organization. He expects the quality for the price paid by him. In Siemens, executives are aware of importance of maintaining quality and workforce are categorized by their extraordinary mind-set of quality control. Managers of Siemens are of view that success of their organization is reliant on their inventive fortes and exceptional quality of their merchandises and solutions. In the report presented by (Siemens, 2014b) , the ownership culture is widespread in the organization which is responsible for the sustainable business practices prevalent in the company. In Siemens, every individual assumes that fulfilling his or her responsibility is imperative for the success of the company. Right from the board of director to trainee embrace the culture to treat the company as of their own and act accordingly. The company rely on strong culture for its long term success and believe that worker stakeholders perform sensibly and are focused on to the long term when they unswervingly contribute in their company’s achievement. People oriented approach adopted by Siemens nurtures diversity of experience and expertise and is reflected in their success and they have versatile workforce which through their knowledge and expertise strive for high productivity and profits. Siemens believe the company is obliged that it has employees that identify with the organization and are highly committed towards the positive development of the company. The equity culture is prevalent in organization which fosters the sense of belongingness and responsibility towards the organization. Siemens believes this culture to be decisive for the long term success of the company (Siemens, 2014a) . Assessment Criteria 2.1evaluate the existing climate of an organization Organizational climate is defined as the perception of an employee regarding an organization’s policies, values, practices, behavior and environment to cite a few. A crucial relation lies between organizational climate and individual’s performance and behavior (Srivastava, 2005) . Siemens global business strategy of sustainability forms the core aspect of its internal and external organizational climate. Siemens internal organizational climate is build of integrity in its business operations as it follows legal and ethical code of conduct in dealing with internal as well as external business partners.
6 The company maintains ethical standards in its financial activities as well. Siemens have got employees from different cultural background and the company manages diversity through imparting effective training and development program, maintaining a non discriminative attitude towards employees from other nations and providing equitable rights to both men and women (Siemens, 2013b) . The company discharges its social responsibility towards its employees and society by following policy for environmental protection, health management and occupational safety in its business activities (Siemens, 2013b) . To enhance employee’s welfare in the organization Siemens extended the maternity leave period from 120 days to 180 days in 2011 and also adopted work from home policy for employees in 2013 where employees could work from home once per week (Siemens, 2013b) . The company also provides its employees an opportunity to purchase company’s stock. It spent around dollar 42.4 million in 2013 for training and development program to enhance employee’s skill and maintain high performance culture. It also introduced leadership development program to build future leaders for beating global challenges. Siemens was honored as among the Best Companies in People Management practices in 2013 (Siemens, 2013b) . Siemens external organizational climate framework is build of maintaining cordial relationship with its various stakeholders. It provides superior customized service to its customers globally. It maintains amicable relation with its investors by providing quarterly reports, annual reports and other relevant information timely. In order to augment relation with suppliers globally it imparts training to enhance suppliers skills free of cost. Siemens also maintains close contacts with the government, policy makers and other administrators for its organization interests (Sustainability Report, n.d.) . As per the report of (Simenes, 2007) , there are few companies in the world that boasts a long tradition and a corporate culture. Siemens is of one them where management of the organization take due care of the social responsibility while making any corporate decisions. Ever since the company was founded, it has always been committed towards transferring its legacy to the next generation. The company’s culture exhibits itself as a fellow of society and that they are modelling upcoming era not only with their inventions, but also with their instruction and on-going edification. Since long, enduring discourses with inner and outer groups of investors is inevitable part of corporate culture of the organization. Siemens corporate culture encompasses unbiased radical posture, admiring liberty of outlook and regarding the encountered diversity in their overseas undertakings as enrichment of their business as well as corporate culture. Assessment Criteria 2.2 Recommend ways to improve corporate climate in an organization Siemens, the engineering giant manufacturing organization in German faced a scandal in 2006 against bribery. Employees in the organization were accused of paying bribes in millions of Euros to the officials in order to gain contracts from large organizations and even government around the globe. Due to this business irresponsibility and unethical act Siemens lost its creditability and goodwill in front of its investors, employees and society as a whole. The organization was declared incompetent in handling business affairs. As a response to the scandal and to maintain integrity Siemens appointedexternal investigators from New
7 York law firm to carry out a rigorous internal audit in the firm. After the audit process several reasons popped out which were held responsible for the scandal to take place such as a belligerent expansion strategy adopted by the organization due to which employees began to perceive that bribery is a part of the corporate climate to achieve tough performance targets and meet business objectives, complex organizational structure and poor quality of accounting system (Graham & Gillespie, 2012) . Poor leadership quality of the managers in Siemens was one of the greatest reasons for such scandal to take place. In order to enhance the corporate climate Siemens can follow some of the recommendations as cited (George Bradt, 2013) . Siemens need to change its corporate culture and environment due to its rigorous expansion objectives in order to sustain its competitive advantage. Employees in the organization need to be adaptable to organization’s cultural changes which can be developed by imparting effective training and education. Employees should be clearly communicated regarding the company’s value system vital to achieve present and future organization’s success where there should not be any place for unethical behavior. Employees need to develop a responsible and positive attitude towards organization’s culture and enhance skills to maintain good relations with the organization’s various stakeholders such as customers, investors to cite a few. Above all the organization need to conduct effective learning and development session for leadership development in the organization. Employees at all level need to possess a leadership quality to decide upon right and wrong and to meet the business objectives responsibly and ethically. Assessment Criteria 2.3 propose a framework of organizational values that meet the specific strategic and operational needs of an organization The strategic and operational objective of Siemens is to expand into the world of automation and digitization after electrification (The Economists, 2014) . The company aims to reduce the existing bureaucracy in its organization, develop and expand business portfolio and implement projects more efficiently (The Economists, 2014) . In order to meet its objectives the organization has plans to undergo a change in organizational structure with a reduction in number of group divisions and downsizing of employees followed by redeployment of few staffs. Along with a change in organizational structure Siemens believes that a change in organizational culture is essential for effective expansion and operation of business portfolios (The Economists, 2014) . A change in organizational culture would mean a need to introduce new competing organizational value framework to meet the global challenges and change management (Cameron, 2006) . Leaders in the organization need to undertake the responsibility of building value system and diffusing the same into the employees of the firm. Signifying values forms a pillar for any strategic and operational decisions. Values once framed, understood and followed speeds up the business activities and decisions (Madhavan, n.d.) .
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The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine has not only affected the economy of these two countries but also put severe negative consequences on other countries as well. In fact, the whole world got affected by the crisis and inflationary impact of war-torn Russia and Ukraine. The negative impact of covid-19 has already put the world backwards. In a situation like this, when Russian President Vladimir Putin announces that he is going to attack Ukraine, naturally that changes a lot. The cost of living standards has been recorded to jump higher after the sudden intrusion of Covid-19 and now when Putin is at war against Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, that puts a lot of geopolitical pressure on the global economy and its well-being. On completion of a year-long and still-going war of Conflict and Russia’s annexation of Ukraine, the following section would specify a few of the areas that got impacted on a high scale due to the war scene between these two neighbours. The three essential sectors where the crisis has been noted to have the greatest impact include Food, Energy sector and Migration and Governmental approaches to that.
The invasion of Russia on Ukrainian land creates a significant negative impact on food prices. There is speculation that around 13.5 million tons of wheat and 16 million of maize are stuck between the two countries, unable to move forward. The exportation route has now been closed for over a year and sealing the border means that the trade would not be accomplished. Without any trades, the supply for the food chain naturally gets under the radar. Not only does the distribution of the supply chain management get impacted but Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and rising pollution caused by war actions results in interruptions in planting seasons and agricultural culture. The World Food Program (WFP) organises a calculation that shows how the cost of food has increased by 40% since 2020 and it is expected to at least increase up to 10% of prices considering day-to-day products in Ukraine and Russia due to the war effects.
Energy sector
Before the invention of Ukraine, Europe and China were recorded to import around 60% and 20% of Russia’s crude oil as Russia has been the second largest exporter and the third largest producer of crude oil. The sudden attack of Russia on Ukraine pushes through the barriers to rate the price of crude oil to such an extent that the buyers are showing a lack of interest to
buy from Russia. All of the prices have gone skyrocketing. This has a severe impact on the supply to the global chain market, all to be blamed on the war actions.
Migration and Governance Issues
Ukrainians are leaving their country out of the threat of getting slaughtered and the issue of migration is, therefore, a serious concern that NATO and the bordering countries of Ukraine and Russia are reckoning with. Keeping aside the pressure on energy and food prices leading to inequality and civil unrest, the governments of these countries also are in a highly unstable position to take on decisions on where to keep these Ukrainian refugees. The situation is quite messed up and things look to get worse with more days passing by.
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As the planet continues to warm, the effects of climate change become increasingly apparent, making the need for urgent action and transition to a more sustainable future more pressing than ever. The consequences of inaction are dire, including more frequent and severe weather events, loss of biodiversity, and global food and water shortages. This blog post will discuss the current state of climate change, explore its impacts, and highlight efforts to mitigate its consequences and embrace a more sustainable path.
Climate Change: A Global Concern
Climate change is a global issue, with average temperatures rising at an unprecedented rate due to the increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This warming trend has been primarily driven by human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has warned that we must limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels to avoid the most catastrophic consequences.
Impacts of Climate Change
The effects of climate change are already evident around the world and pose significant risks to ecosystems, human health, and economies. Climate change exacerbates extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, droughts, and heatwaves. These events can lead to loss of life, property damage, and significant economic costs. As glaciers and polar ice caps melt, sea levels are rising, threatening coastal communities and infrastructure. The increased absorption of carbon dioxide by the oceans is causing them to become more acidic, leading to the decline of coral reefs and other marine ecosystems. Warmer temperatures and changing weather patterns disrupt ecosystems, leading to the extinction of many species and the collapse of habitats. Climate change affects agricultural productivity, causing food shortages, and exacerbating water scarcity in many regions.
Efforts to Mitigate Climate Change
To address the challenges posed by climate change, global efforts have been focused on mitigation and adaptation strategies. Governments and businesses are working to reduce emissions through policies like carbon pricing, renewable energy incentives, and energy efficiency standards. The shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, is critical in limiting global warming. Planting trees and restoring forests help sequester carbon dioxide and protect ecosystems. The adoption of sustainable agricultural practices can help reduce emissions while ensuring food security. Strengthening infrastructure to withstand the impacts of climate change can reduce vulnerability to extreme weather events.
Embracing a Sustainable Future
As the effects of climate change become more apparent, it is essential to transition to a more sustainable future. This involves not only addressing the root causes of climate change but also building a world that prioritizes social and environmental well-being. Some key principles for a sustainable future can a shift from a linear “take, make, dispose” economic model to one that reuses and recycles resources, minimizing waste and pollution. Ensuring that the benefits of sustainable development are shared fairly among all members of society. Protecting and preserving ecosystems, reducing pollution, and promoting biodiversity. Fostering understanding and action on climate change and sustainability through education and public awareness campaigns.
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Introduction In context of the marketing practices implemented in the operation domain of airline businesses, this essay is making an insight into the role of sponsorship in case of the Emirates Airline (EA). The basic concentration of this paper is to understand the role of sponsorship in terms of operations in airlines as well as related airports. The idea is to explore and comprehend the factors of sponsorship that are responsible to paving the road of success for an organisation. The case of Emirates Airline (EA) has been selected for the critical analysis of the success attained by the selected company in aviation marketing.
The Case The ownership of Emirates Airline (EA) is in the hands of the Corporate Investors working under the Government of Dubai, UAE. The official declaration of Emirates Airline (EA) in their Annual Report of 2015 declares that it has been recognised as the largest airline organisation in the entire Middle East, with an operating expansion of 3,300 flights/week from Dubai International Airport. These flights are to 78 nations spread all over the world (Emirates Airline, 2015). As reported by Frontier Economics (2015) since 2014, the flights of Emirates Airline (EA) are increased by 29 airports in selected 28 cities of EU28. This operation comprises of 700 flights operating per week in both the back and forth directions. The success story of Emirates Airline (EA) in Europe appears very important in terms of gaining developed route network, which is responsible for connecting many cities of the world through Emirates Airline hub in Dubai.
Background In the words of the official declarations made by the The Emirates Group, the history of Emirates comprises ‘incredible development’ and is ‘fascinating. The Emirates (2015, a) refers the history of Emirates Airline (EA) back to 1980s. during the mid of this decade, the Gulf Air started cutting back most of its services to channelised to Dubai. It is at this position, that Emirates came into being in the month of March of 1985, that specifically was supported and backed up by the royal family of Dubai. The collaboration was initiated with Pakistan International Airlines offering a minimal of two airline aircrafts at wetlease. In order to gain
independent operative hold, the government subsidies were considered along with $10 million as the capital investment. These developments were initiated by Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum as the head and the current Chairperson of Emirates Airline (EA). Emirates (2015) states that it hardly took any time for Emirates Airline (EA) to expand its destinations and fleet. As such by October of the year 2008, Emirates made a huge shift of all its aviation operations to the Terminal 3 of Dubai International Airport. The plans for its rapid expansions and growth are still part of its success story and sustainability in the competitive sky seems like a simple strategy to it.
The Success Story Emirates (2015) depicts the trend of gaining regular success of Emirates against the continuous regional instability and international economic volatility, as not miraculous, but strategically well equipped. This report added the key combination of having the business wisdom, along with savvy insight into the investment plans and perfect practical ambition. As Emirates celebrates, the 25 th anniversary in the year 2015, the organisation marks its remarkable sustainability and extensive growth with appropriate respect and recognition in the international market. A critically investigated report by Mnisri (2010) notes that the secret of success of Emirates is in its strong hold over the marketing strategy that emphasises in terms of creating strong image of the brand and necessary awareness to be created worldwide. The report of Mnisri (2010) adds that the role of the sponsors are very inevitable in creating this success story. The management of sponsors sports clubs, as well as events in the UAE and various esteem locations noted worldwide are the base for generating absolute marketing strategy for the organisation. To this venture Emirates (2015 a) refers to the continuous explosive growth of the organisation with continuous strive to offer best service to its consumers in the aviation industry. The recent growth plan of Emirates Airline (EA) comprises of – Award winning cargo division in the international business periphery, Management of full-fledged destination, as well as leisure division, & IT developer for the Airline on an exclusive basis.
Role of Sponsorship: EA The role of sponsorship initiated by any business is very significant and powerful in terms of introducing its products, services or even itself a new market. The success story and the extensive participation of Emirates Airline in sponsoring various events, especially those related to sports, exemplifies the significance of sponsorship as an effective marketing tool for creating brand image and awareness at large. In reference to the act of ‘extending brand reach’, the Annual Report 2014 of Emirates Airline states, “Our sponsorships are one of the most visible ways in which we connect people with their passions”.
(Emirates Group, 2014, p. 11)
This is a declaration that confirms that Emirates Airline considered those elements for sponsoring that are closely related to human passion, and its sports. The report adds that Emirates in the current scenario is noted as one of the most popular brands that are involved in sponsoring top level events of sports. Its partnership with selected football clubs in the world, international meets in cricket, Formula 1, and other sports like golf, rugby, horseracing, tennis, and Cup sailing of America, has actually successfully created the essence of omnipresence of Emirates on a worldwide basis. The annual report of 2013-14, states that a total of AED 850m has been already invested over the overall dnata business within the FY of 2013-14, with the establishment of a new record that added the extra edge of being recognised easily, for the airline division.
Sponsorship & Marketing The interrelationship between sponsorship and marketing is related to the process of gaining credible publicity in the market. These aspects are definitely interrelated, yet there is the need to understand the distinction of publicity that is cost-effectives against the advertisement ((McChesney, 2008). Though both are tools of marketing, yet the sponsorship appears most effective and lays serious impact of the brand image on the consumers as a whole. The selection of sponsorship as a marketing tool by Emirates Airline has added enough essence credibility to its brand awareness ventures, worldwide.
Analytical research led by Reed (2013) appreciates the sponsorship activities of Emirates Airline in the sports related activities and various international sports events. However, there is also the reference made towards the least possible participation of Emirates Airline in the networking of the social media. The entire approach of Emirates Airline is in meeting the mass population on a wide ranged spectrum rather than meeting them individually through social media. Moreover, it is important to note that the less participation of Emirates Airline in social media actually creates the image of being on hoardings for a positive cause rather than being restricted to the PCs (McChesney, 2008).
Sports Sponsorship The approach of considering sports sponsorship in the marketing domain, aims in meeting wide ranged audience in an international ground. As noted by ACL (2011), the selection of sports sponsorship by Emirates Airline is part of its strategic marketing, whereby the organisation successful in getting the ideological image for its brand, on a wider scale. As identified by Aaker and Erich (2000), on a global basis sports sponsorship appears more effective than any other marketing tool as it is strong in creating the higher competitive margin for the competitors. Nataraja and Al-Aali (2011) confirms this theoretical declaration of Aaker and Erich as effective in reference to Emirates Airline. For Emirates Airline, this margin has been achieved through its promotional mix of meeting targeted consumers and at the same time in terms of creating brand image widely. It’s role of sponsoring in various environmental activities and community services has actually made Emirates Airline one of the most popular organisations in the world. However, Nataraja and Al-Aali (2011) still emphasise that the omnipresent and strong brand image of Emirates Airline has been established mainly through sports sponsorship, along with its equal conscious about the comfort and profit of its employees as well as stakeholders in international business arena.
EA Aviation Marketing The marketing sponsorship of the aviation business in sports domain by Emirates Airline has been identified in diversified events. According to the list enlisted by Wilson (2015) sports sponsorships led by that Emirates as an organisation stands immense. Sponsorship of
Emirates Airline is distinct in football as they were involved in World Cup, Arsenal in EPL, Real Madrid in La Liga, Paris St Germain in Ligue Une, AC Milan in Series A, Humburger FC in Bundesliga, and even Olympiacos in Super League. Banners and hoardings of Emirates Airline are also very distinct in the Saudi League, in Asian Football Confederation, and New York Cosmos. Sponsoring popular games like rugby in USA Rugby, Emirates offered stylish eye-catching helmets and pads to the players. ATP World Tour, followed by US Open, World Rankings, Rogers Cup and BNP Paribas Cup, are the tennis game series that are also sponsored prominently by Emirates Airline. The marketing impression established by Emirates Airline is also very tactful. As for instance, the relaxed, comfortable and luxurious first class leather seats in the US open are the keys to make the spectator feel that the similar comfort will also be made available in the Airline services. Following the same thread, while sponsoring F1, the Emirates Airline even created a specialised TV channel dedicated to F1 extensively. Innovation and creativity are thus integral to the marketing of aviation business for Emirates Aviation. These are also seen in the sponsorship activities with sports like horse racing, as in the Melbourne Cup; 18 events as the Ryder Cup in Golf; being part of rugby union through the means of sponsoring the IPL, official ICC match, as ICC World Cup as well as Twenty20 World Cup. Marketing Strategies By the implementation of right marketing strategies, by 2018, Emirates Airline has planned to have more than 320 aircrafts and more than a count of 400 aircrafts by 2020. Considering the growth rates of Emirates Airline these assessments appears very practical.
The success story of Emirates Airline is not limited to mere publicity. The activities of publicity and advertisements through sponsorship are the means to show the world that the EA is very active and strong in meeting all those rules that can add authenticity and credibility to its services. As for instance, EA is very particular in supporting the IATA (International Air Transport Association) norms, like (Emirates, 2012)- investment make for the use of improved technology in airlines and airports effective means of managing operations at fleet & airports maintenance of efficient and hi-tech infrastructure for convenience approval of positive measures for economic development These are grass root strategic implementations that make the entire programme of sponsorship, a success without any major challenge. The keys of managing strategies for successful sponsorships are all based on the practical declarations and operational management of EA in the international market of aviation.
First Key: The very basic step is to have comprehensive and clear communicational objectives, initiated by the organisation for respective brand. For EA, this is done through the collaboration of responsive communication facilities maintained with the consumers. EA is very particular about its visibility by appearing in various popular sports event, worldwide. Its brand awareness and developmental associations with community services, says it all (Nataraja and Al-Aali (2011). Second Key: The second key is to remain proactive. The proactive initiation of EA is managing sponsorship has been well acclaimed already as the company selected the domain of sports to reach the ‘inner passion’ and every corner of human society through international
display of its participations (Emirates Group, 2014, p. 11). Considering sports as the ground for developing sponsorship makes EA a common and popular brand, globally. Third Key: The third key is to identify the gap to ‘fit in’ exceptionally. As marked by Aaker and Erich (2000), the process of fitting exceptionally between a particular event and the respective brand is though dicey, yet can offer instant success. EA is very bold and strong in taking this initiation. Even after being a brand from aviation industry, its presence in different kinds of sports events created room for its awareness among global population. It appears strange, yet amazing the way Emirates gained hold over the act of ‘fitting in exceptionally’. Fourth Key: The fourth key refers to own sponsorships, and for EA the huge back up is Emirates Group itself. The logo in general is strong enough to offer an incorporated banner to EA. Fifth Key: The 5 th phase refers to the act of being analytical to the publicity opportunities. It is here that EA refuse to remain active in the social media networking and concentrate more in international sports events (Reed, 2013). The motive is simple. EA through Emirates, just wanted to gain extensive recognition in public rather than meeting people individually on personal grounds. The approach is open and popular. Sixth Key: Sixth key is that of payoffs multiple sponsorship, which is very systematically managed by the Emirates group. The financial security and meeting the challenges of economic risks, are considered as a family matter by Emirates group and this EA gains the opportunity to maintain payoffs through multiple sponsorship. Seventh Key: The last key is to manage sponsorship actively and that is definitely gained by the inhouse management services of Emirates Group. However, apart from these key strategies, whereby Emirates Airline is much supported by Emirates Group; there are individual initiations noted for gaining exclusive dominance over the market and laying serious impact on the consumers. These keys are operational management leadership and necessary alliances, wherever needed.
Management Leadership The tactics and approaches of leadership for the attainment of a successful business have attained innumerable definitions. According to Bass, the aspects of organisational leadership in terms of accomplishing management practices needs to get structured in the form of “an
interaction between two or more members of a group that often involves a structuring or restructuring of the situation and the perceptions and expectations of group members” (1990, p. 19). Under the pressure of cross cultural management structures, there is the need to consider an admixture of transformational attributes, sharing of power as well as authority and responding to every issue in accordance to the current situation. In reference to Emirates Airline, the core consideration is for phenomenal growth that is made possible by the typically structured strong and very stable traits of leadership. As identified by Mnisri (2010) the key note to the trend of gaining success for Emirates is its capability to manage a stable continuity of the team of management. With a combination and team work of talented and experienced executives, Emirates Airline is very successful in gaining mutual management approaches in all its branches spread all over the world. Under the efficient guidelines of the CEO, Sheik Ahmed Bin Saeed Al‑Maktoum, the leadership of Emirates Airline is open to transformational, power-sharing, and situational combination of management structure. As for instance, Emirate Airline in Dubai gets transformed into more contemporary style in European nations. Being the fastest developing intercontinental carrier, the management of EA is flexible enough in considering the cultural differences of all the six continents, yet adding the developmental growth and sustainable services to the consumers. Allied Sponsorship It is the leadership trait of EA under the formulation of combining transformational, power- sharing, and situational approaches that the company is successful enough in establishing its allied sponsorships with much ease. The reports of Repucom (2015) declares that Emirates is very specific in selecting its sponsorship partner and it is this keenness and preciseness that the company earns a lot in gaining brand awareness in respective nations. As for instance, Repucom states that in the Arsenal FC, Emirates chose to be with Arsenal and this dual sponsorship appeared very beneficial to the company. The following graph shows the success rate in this matter –
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Tourism today has grown significantly in both economic and social importance. Travel and tourism is the largest industry in the world on virtually any economic measure including : gross output,Value added,capital investment,employment and tax contributions. In 1992worldwide international arrivals had reached 467 million. In 1992, the Industry’s gross output was estimated to be $3.5 trillion,over 12% of all Consumer spending worldwide international tourism receipts rose by 6-7% in 1992 to $278 billion. The travel and tourism industry is the World’s largest employer, with almost 130 million jobs, or almost 7%Of all employees. This industry is the world’s leading industrial Contri-butor,producing over 6% of the world gross national product, and accounting for capital investment in excess of $422 billion in new faci-lities and equipment. In addition, it contributes almost $400 billion in direct,indirect and personal taxes each year.Tourism is the major source of income for a significant number of count-ries including
: 2 :
Italy,Spain,Switzerland, and most Caribean countries.All countries who have accorded priority to tourism development have Succeeded in attracting the targeted number of toursists. Spain attracts more than 40 million tourists a year.Singapore with relatively no tourism potential draws 7 to 8 million tourists per year. Walt Disney World has over 25 million visitors per year.
Tourism potential in India :
India potentially is the strongest tourism nation in the world. India is Richly endowed with limitless scope for mountain tourism,beach tourism,Historical tourism,cultural tourism,eco tourism,(nature specific activities)And desert tourism.The Himalays others unique prospects for the development of skiing,skating,white water rafting,trekking and other adventure tourism activities . The greatest adventure of all is scaling the Himalayan peaks. The Everest,Kunchenjunga and other mountain peaks offer perennial Challenges for the mountaineering enthusiasts.
The Himalayas is unequalled by any other mountain range in terms of Its sheer grandeur ,scenic beauty,variety of flora,fauna,landscape and Other natural endowments. A hundred million tourist visit the alps and Other mountain ranges every year.In view of what the Himalayas has toOffer and fact that they are located in the increasingly prosperous Asia,It should be possible for us to draw a minium of 3 to 4 million tourists a Year to the Himalayas alone. In addition to its natural advantages, it is Also home to some of the most colourful people of india such as the hutias,sikkimese,Tibetians and Nagas, each one of whom belongs to a Distinct race,each with a different language,food,attire,music,dance,etc.also the Buddhist monasteries,Hindu temples and the mystery surrounding the Himalayas makes it extremely attractive to the foreigntourist.The voletile Bay of Bengal and the serene Arabian sea with their vast Coastlines have excellent beaches unsoilt as yet by man. They provide Phenomenal scope for the development of beach tourism.Nostalgia is big business in the tourism industry. Our temples,forts,palace.
Apart from the tremendous potential for tourism, India has the advent-age of low salaries and wages which will make it possible for us to pro-vide personalized service to the visiting tourists. Educated men and women can converse in English effectively which will be a major advantage in promoting international tourism.Development of Inbound Tourism in India The increased international media coverage on India has generated a lot Of Interest among foreign tourists. This interest can be tapped by using the right mix of marketing and providing the necessary services. Inter-national businessman and professionals travelling to India have regis-tered a significant growth in the last one year and this is bound to increase in the coming months and years. These travelers can be made to spend extra time in India on leisure and tourism facilities.The economic reforms and liberalization makes it possible for Indian And foreign companies to invest in the development of infrastructure Including aviation,power,roads,transport,coastal shipping etc.
But before going to take up the issue it is better to be appointed with concept of Time Sharing Industry. As on Off- spring of tourism would the concept is take up in the next chapter.
The Concept Time Sharing Industries mostly rotate around the leisure time utilization better known as holiday utilization. A Holiday is a period of relaxation,an excape from the daily routine. Psychologists are of the opinion that holidays are a vital component on one’s life, a chance for rest and rejuvenation, rather than a luxury.Unfortunately, holidays are expensive, and escalating costs make it diffi-Cult for more than a few people to contemplate taking an annual holiday. A lot of companies have come us to stand by the aspirants who can Afford with megre income and ability. One of such companies is Sterling. Sterling has made the holiday affordable by introducing the concept of “Timeshare”.
The different types of Time Sharing schemes are as follows :
: 12 :
Property Timeshare
When an individual became a member of this scheme he became a co-owner not only in the apartment he chose but also the entire resort complex. A portion of the price he paid goes towards a deposit for operations And maintenance which is called ASCF (Advance Subscription To-Wards Customer Facilities). This means that his property will be Looked after year/ and maintained in Prime condition for his use Year after at no additional cost. The customer can also exchange it With any other week,apartment or location which Sterling owns Now or in the future.
Flexxiweek Timeshare
: 13 :
This product was sold from March 1991 to 1992 with a view of Combining the best of both the fixed and floating week timeshares. While retaining the flexibility of the floating week, the Flexiweek Timeshare also provides access every alternate year to a prime time
Vacation during a fixed preallotted week.
Short Break timeshares
Inception :
This type of Timeshare was sold from May 1992 to September 1993.
Concept :
The reason behind this product was that people who could not afford to have a long holiday ( 6 nights/7 days ) could have a shortone which was tailor-made for them.
: 14 :
Therefore the Short Break Timeshare of 2 nights/3 days would be The right choice for them.
Target Group :
It was aimed at the Professionally busy individual, the elderly and Children who are looking for a short break.
Projects :
Oety, Yercaud and Kodaikanal.
This timeshare is only for Season and Classic periods (Season can be Exchanged with Season/Classic while Classic can be exchanged with Classic only).
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Contents Abstract 2 Table of Content 2 List of Figures and Tables 2
Introduction 2 1.1 Research Question 3 1.2 Research Purpose 3 1.3 Research Rationale 3
Literature Review 4 2.1 Strategic HR Management 4 Common Global Practices, SHRM at IBM: A Case Study 4 2.2 Theory to Praxis 4 SHRM Theories, Implementation at IBM 4 2.3 Current Issues 4 Recruitment, Training & Motivation, and Retention 4
Methodology 4 3.1 Research Philosophy 4 3.2 Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches 4
Selected Research Methodology 4 4.1 Research Approach 4 4.2 Sampling 4 4.3 Data Collection 4
Findings and Analysis 4 5.1 SHRM Approaches at IBM 4 5.2 Recruitment and Training at IBM 4 5.3 Motivation and Retention 4 5.4 Analytical Overview 4
Conclusion and Recommendations 4 References 8 Appendices 9
Table of Content
List of Figures and Tables
According to the Annual Report 2015 of IBM, the current strategic imperative revenue mix of the company, against the market get noted as follows – Figure 1 IBM: Strategic Imperative Growth
Source: IBM (2015)
It has been clearly marked in the current competitive market scenario, IBM has considered its strategic imperatives as significant elements to its management process. Its expansion in the fields of analytics, cloud, mobile, security, and social context remains successful in gaining 27% of its total revenue of $25 billion in the year 2014. With the establishment of 3,000 patents in 2014, the company acknowledges that it is the capacity and efficiency of its human resource (HR) that integrated technology in accordance to the business proceedings the clients, and adding success to the company on a worldwide basis. Considering developmental approaches of IBM as the core subject, this research is offering a research on the ways the Human Resources are recruited, generated, maintained, and further retained in IBM. The approach is in gaining information about the strategic management formulations as considered by IBM in being able remain competitive in the global market.
For this purpose the official declarations of IBM, like Annual reports and news articles will be considered. Further analytical overview will include various theories, peer-reviewed journal articles, and literary sources for the understanding of Strategic Human Resource Management, with close study of the practices in IBM.
1.1 Research Question In the domain of HRM, why IBM can be idealised by a company, to gain knowledge about sustainability and growth in the current global market?
1.2 Research Purpose The core purpose of this report is to analyse the SHRM of IBM, in order to gain necessary knowledge about the implementation of strategic theories and practices in the HR domain for organisational success. As under the intensive pressure of globalisation, the companies are facing enormous hurdles in recruiting the right employees, training and motivating them, and get most strenuous in retaining valued employees; this research aims to offer the tips and tricks of IBM in resolving these issues in particular.
1.3 Research Rationale As against many competitive software companies, like Accenture, Hewlett-Packard, Apple, etc., IBM with 379,592 employees, excels itself in the process of recruiting, training & motivating, and retaining employees for organisational growth and long term sustainability in the market (IBM, 2014). Its achievements and growth makes it one of the most best place for generating a good career for an employee (IBM, 2015 a). This is the reason that IBM has been selected here, as an ideal company to understand its HR strategic management for the upliftment of those companies that still strive to gain more potentiality in global market.
Literature Review 2.1 Strategic HR Management
Common Global Practices, SHRM at IBM: A Case Study 2.2 Theory to Praxis SHRM Theories, Implementation at IBM 2.3 Current Issues Recruitment, Training & Motivation, and Retention
Methodology 3.1 Research Philosophy 3.2 Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
Selected Research Methodology 4.1 Research Approach 4.2 Sampling 4.3 Data Collection
Findings and Analysis 5.1 SHRM Approaches at IBM 5.2 Recruitment and Training at IBM 5.3 Motivation and Retention 5.4 Analytical Overview
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