Tutor online are hired online because they are considered to have a right combination of experience, knowledge, accomplishments and exposure. If you are teaching a class of students, online, you need a certain personality that will make your teaching more effective and students will enjoy your class. There are some suggestions to improve one’s personality.

First and the most important one is, you should make friendly relationships with the class or the student(s) you are teaching, on day one. This is because first impression is the last impression. You should not miss this chance to make a good impression on your students. This will also help you in creating the interest easily in students. You can make a good impression by asking the students about their personal lives and taking some interest in the same. It will also spread the message that you care about the students. Never confuse your teaching way with your personality. One can be dull or boring in real life but can teach really well.

As a free online teacher, you should select your field of interest to give them some examples so that you can better connect to the topic. Once you do that, you can explain the subject to the students in no time. This will add to the richness of the content. You can use audio, video or graphics to explain the examples to them.
Be careful while using your vocabulary or the words you chose. This one thing is very important and should be taken of. This is because once posted online, the words cannot be changed. Also make sure your behaviour should be right with regard to online teaching. “This is me” kind of personality may not suit the online teaching profile. So, you must take a great care to act right.

You can use technological tools to deliver the content in a more interactive manner. You can use software’s other than the routine one’s to deliver your high quality content in an interactive manner. This will make your teaching more effective. And using audio-visual techniques enhances the retention power and hence makes the learning better. Also a new dimension – infographics – can be used to deliver the content in a better way!

For online assignments, you need to be cautious and keep your emotions under control while checking the student’s papers. This will help you in checking the crappiest papers also. Because students do write such things which can make you upset. And your reactions can affect your rapport. Hence, you should keep your cool while checking those papers. Remember, it’s not only you who will get affected by a bad reaction. You are representing an institute and hence the reputation of that institution is at stake. Not only for assignments, but in general, you should behave properly. Also make sure your assignments are neither too complicated nor too simple for the students. You should give them the assignments by keeping in view their level of understanding the subject.