Here are a few specific suggestions on how to design effective online assignments. Understand what your main goal is. The main goal for you should be to enable independent learning to students. If the students feel they have enough direction to be successful, they will automatically absorb and learn the course material. Few students take the courses online, so that they can remain low. So the top priority for you should be to design effective assignments which could be completed by each student on their own.

Post detailed instructions and also post models of the assignments so that the students can understand what you consider to be a good work. Model assignments are also another way of making sure of the fact that the students can help themselves if they are uncomfortable asking questions. Do not scare the students’ creativity and their freedom to be self-directed. Online tutoring and the assignments definitely have many benefits. These assignments empowers the students to choose what they want to read about and write while it also provides enough guidance to the students to make sure that they do not choose poorly and struggle in that process.

Think carefully about how to make sure if the students are actually learning something online and finding your answer to that question can actually mean the difference between a very challenging course and one that feels just like another exercise.

And never discourage the students to whatever assignment solutions that they come up with. Be ready to encourage the students and keep motivating them. The present generations of students are more rooted and dependent on the internet for everything and anything. Ask the students a direct question; they will not have the answer. But if you ask the students, the same question over the internet or via text messaging, they will have the answers ready in a jiffy. It is just a simple logic of referring to the internet to find all the solutions that they want for all their various problems.

Most of the students these days use the help of the internet not only to study and learn but also to find out the list of which companies and services which offer online solutions for the various assignments set to them. In fact, these online assignment service providers have enlisted the help of the teachers and lecturers to help design and model these assignments on various subjects and topics. These teachers or lecturers and even the post graduate students who help with the creation of online assignments, either work from home or do this job as a part time service. But most of these assignment service providers will charge you for the services which they offer. These charges are based upon various factors like the number of words, pages required, topic on which the assignment is needed and the mainly the dead line for the assignment submission. So these charges can vary and there is no guarantee for the quality which you can expect.