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Executive Summary

The liberalisation of the ASEAN air transportation sector has increased tremendous
competition in the business approaches of Air carriers and Passenger traffic. This research
work is about the process of understanding the act of liberalisation through the Open Sky
policy and analyse the same in terms of the increasing competition in the selected domains.
For this purpose the Case Study research methodology has been selected as the appropriate
means of meeting the answers to the research questions. Moreover, interview sessions with
experienced professionals from the aviation sector are also considered by this research work.
The basic idea is to know the competitive advantages and the disadvantages led by
liberalisation in the business approaches of air carriers and passenger traffic in ASEAN
region. The data collected for CAPA (2016) will also be analysed in justification of growth
that the liberalisation has added to the aviation sector. The way to control the activity of
liberalisation for better benefit of the ASEAN aviation sector will remain as core target of
this research work.

Executive Summary

The liberalisation of the ASEAN air transportation sector has increased tremendous
competition in the business approaches of Air carriers and Passenger traffic. This research
work is about the process of understanding the act of liberalisation through the Open Sky
policy and analyse the same in terms of the increasing competition in the selected domains.
For this purpose the Case Study research methodology has been selected as the appropriate
means of meeting the answers to the research questions. Moreover, interview sessions with
experienced professionals from the aviation sector are also considered by this research work.
The basic idea is to know the competitive advantages and the disadvantages led by
liberalisation in the business approaches of air carriers and passenger traffic in ASEAN
region. The data collected for CAPA (2016) will also be analysed in justification of growth
that the liberalisation has added to the aviation sector. The way to control the activity of
liberalisation for better benefit of the ASEAN aviation sector will remain as core target of
this research work.

1.1 Background Overview
The ASEAN Single Aviation Market, or as popularly termed as ASEANSAM is the ASEAN
Open Sky policy, which gets recognised as the most major policy of this particular region.
Based on this policy, ASEANSAM geared up all the developmental approaches and further
aimed in enhancing the unified as well as the market of single aviation business among the
ASEAN members. According to the report of Tan (2009), the initial proceedings of
ASEANSAM for the Southeast Asian members date back to 1 st of Jan., 2016. The Air
Transport Working Group of ASEAN proposed the policy of ‘Open Sky’ in the aviation
domain, and the same was supported by Senior Transport Officials. Moreover, ASEAN
Transport Ministers endorsed it.
The research based declarations of Chinaview (2007) and Tan (2009) state that the
establishment of ASEANSAM was initiated with the aim to establishment the strong hold of
ASEAN Economic Community, whereby it was expected to get accomplished by the activity
of liberalization and air travel business among the ASEAN members. The approach of the
‘Open Sky’ policy is to offer direct benefits to the aviation sector and add the element of
growth and sustainability in the business of air travel in the global sky. This policy is also
meant to establish free tourism related services, ventures of trade and commerce, and assist in
high quality based services to all the ASEAN member state
s (Chinaview, 2007 and Tan,

1.2 Problem Formulation
The problem that this research laid emphasis on- is about the clashes of policies and
agreements that are liable to happen between the aviation services of the ASEAN member
state. Based on the investigative research of Forsyth, et al. (2004) and Forsyth & Rodolfo


Liberalisation in Aviation: ASEAN Open Sky Page 5
(2006), this research concentrates in gaining the key towards progressive solution to the
probable clashes. It also is in pursuit of attaining adequate amount of resolution in the
implementation of liberalisation to the aviation industry under the regulations of ‘Open Sky’.
The problem with the air traffic liberalisation among the capital cities, the ASEAN members
are subject to get into the competition of holding unified aviation principles and at the same
time designate individual competitive approaches, hence the current research approach.

1.3 Research Questions
Keeping in consideration with the aforementioned problem formulation, the current research
has attained some questions in terms of understanding the challenging competitive platform
between the air carriers and passenger traffic, while implementing and developing ‘Open
Sky’ policy, by the ASEAN liberalisation of aviation sector. These are the research questions
are as follows:

  1. What is the process of liberalisation of the air transportation system in the region?
  2. How does liberalisation of the air transportation system create an impact on the
    competition between air carriers and passenger traffic?
  3. What is the impact of air transport liberalisation on competition between air carriers
    and passenger traffic in ASEAN region?
  4. What are the recommendations provided to appropriate entities for controlling
    liberalisation of the air transportation system that creates an impact on the competition
    between air carriers and passenger traffic in ASEAN region?
    The selection of these questions are meant for the understanding of the ‘Open Sky’ policy
    and the impact that the same as on the futuristic approaches of air carriers and passenger


Liberalisation in Aviation: ASEAN Open Sky Page 6
traffic among the ASEAN members. Moreover, these are the questions that are further
considered in adding research objectives to the current paper and are mentioned hereafter.

1.4 Research Objectives
This research paper aims in gaining the insight into the liberalisation of Aviation in the
peripheral count of ‘Open Sky’ venture noted by ASEAN. Diversified aspects, especially the
concerns of capacity deregulation, along with the approach on the process of implementing
price related controls, will be investigated hereby. This research work will focus in
understanding all sorts of different agreements and policies, counted as per geographic as
well as functional dimensions in the competitive arena of air carriers and passenger traffic,
for the meeting the liberalisation approaches as noted by the formulations of ASEAN ‘Open
Sky’. The core objectives of this research paper are as follows-
 To gain adequate critical information about the relevance of liberalisation through
‘Open Sky’ by ASEAN.

To understand the challenges and the issues related to the developmental approach of
ASEAN air carriers.
 To understand the challenges and the issues related to the developmental approach of
ASEAN passenger traffic.
 To identify the competitive stress among the air carriers & passenger traffic, caused
by liberalised ‘Open Sky’.
 To figure out the possible resolutions in offering better competitive edge to ASEAN
air carriers and passenger traffic.
1.5 Research Rationale
The rationale behind this research work, is to gain a critically analysed understanding of the

liberalisation of ASEAN aviation sector and to point out the impact of ‘Open Sky’ policy

over the ASEAN air carriers and passenger traffic. As this gets initiated this research paper
aims in offering resolution to the increasing competitive stress between the air carriers and
passenger traffic of the ASEAN members. The chief purpose is to derive all those proceeding
through which this research can aim in generating the positive aspects of liberalisation and
eventually add a comfort level to the international competitive platform of aviation industry.

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Title: Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology: Revolutionizing the Financial
Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology have emerged as significant disruptors to the
financial industry, revolutionizing how we transact and store value. This article examines the
considerable impact of cryptocurrencies and their underlying blockchain technology,
highlighting their potential to transform the financial landscape. This article is not a
dissertation, dissertation, or research paper but provides an overview of the topic using the
keywords mentioned.
Understanding Cryptocurrencies:
Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple have received much attention due to
their decentralized nature and the security and privacy they offer (Smith, 2019). Unlike
traditional currencies, cryptocurrencies use cryptography to secure transactions and control
the creation of new entities. Cryptocurrencies operate on a decentralized blockchain network,
providing a transparent and immutable ledger of all transactions (Nakamoto, 2008).
Innovative blockchain technology:
Blockchain technology is the foundation of cryptocurrencies, enabling secure and transparent
transactions (Buterin, 2013). It is a distributed ledger that organizes transactions into blocks
and adds them to the chain chronologically (Antonopoulos, 2014). This decentralized
approach eliminates the need for intermediaries such as banks, enabling faster and cheaper
transactions (Tapscott & Tapscott, 2016).
The potential applications of blockchain technology go beyond finance. Dissertations,
dissertations, and research papers explore its scalability, implications for financial markets,
and potential in non-financial areas such as supply chain management and healthcare (Jones,
2020). The ability to create secure and transparent systems has the potential to transform
various industries, increasing efficiency and trust (Swan, 2015).
Cryptocurrencies as fixed assets:
Virtual currency is also attracting attention as an investment asset. However, it is essential to
consider their inherent volatility and associated risks (Sornette, 2017). Thorough research and
analysis are required to tackle the complexity of this emerging market. Several research
papers have explored the behavior of cryptocurrencies as investment assets (Smith, 2019).
Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are revolutionizing the traditional financial
system, providing a secure, transparent, decentralized alternative for transactions and value
storage. This article is not a dissertation, dissertation, or research paper but provides an
overview of the topic using the keywords mentioned. As researchers continue to explore the
possibilities and challenges of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, keeping a close

eye on their impact and progress is essential. The transformative power of these innovations
bodes well for the future of finance and beyond.  
Key Words: Cryptocurrency, Blockchain technology, Dissertation, Thesis, Research paper,
Decentralization, Financial markets
Antonopoulos, A. M. (2014). Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies.
O’Reilly Media.
Buterin, V. (2013). Ethereum: A Next-Generation Smart Contract and Decentralized
Application Platform. White Paper.

Classification: Public

Jones, R. (2020). Blockchain and the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Practical
Applications. Routledge.
Nakamoto, S. (2008). Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. White Paper.
Smith, J. (2019). Cryptocurrency: The Future of Money? Routledge.

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Behavioral finance studies focus on the psychological and cognitive aspects of investor
decision-making. It acknowledges that investors are not always logical and that feelings,
prejudices, and heuristics can impact their decisions. This article explores the field of
behavioral finance, covering significant discoveries and perceptions from theses,
dissertations, and research publications. We can better understand the influence of behavioral
factors on investor decision-making by reviewing the available literature.
Emotions and Investor Decision-Making
The influence of emotions on financial decisions has been the subject of numerous research.
For instance, Smith and colleagues (2018) published a dissertation titled “The Influence of
Emotional States on Stock Market Participation.” According to the study, investors who feel
good about themselves are more willing to take risks and participate in the stock market. On
the other hand, unfavorable feelings like dread or worry might cause risk aversion and market
withdrawal. This study emphasizes the significance of emotions in influencing investment

Cognitive Biases and Heuristics
Cognitive biases and heuristics highly impact investor decision-making. A study by Johnson
(2019) titled “The Impact of Cognitive Biases on Stock Market Trading Behavior” looked at
how biases like confirmation bias and overconfidence impact trading behavior. The study
found that people frequently look for facts to support their preexisting opinions, which results
in poor investing decisions. In a similar vein, overconfident investors often undervalue risks
and act rashly. For investors and financial professionals to make better decisions, it is
essential to understand these biases.
Herd Mentality and Investor Behavior
In the financial markets, the herd mentality phenomenon is common, and investors frequently
make decisions based only on the opinions of others. The impact of herd behavior on asset
prices was examined in a research article by Li and Smith (2020) titled “The Impact of Herd
Behavior on Asset Prices.” According to the study, investors who follow the herd tend to
ignore fundamental valuations in favor of imitating others, which can result in price bubbles
and market inefficiencies. Investors must be aware of the impact of herd behavior to prevent
making illogical investing choices and to keep a long-term perspective.
Prospect Theory and Risk Perception
The prospect theory, created by Kahneman and Tversky, stresses how people assess and

perceive risks. How prospect theory affects investment decisions were addressed in Brown’s
2017 dissertation, “Prospect Theory and Investment Decisions.” According to the study,
people tend to be risk-averse when there are potential rewards but risk-seeking when there are
likely losses. This research implies that how investment options are presented to investors
affects their risk tolerance. Investors can estimate risks more correctly and make better
logical decisions by being aware of these biases.
The many ways in which human behavior deviates from the conventional economic theory
have been highlighted by behavioral finance. Emotions, cognitive biases, herd mentality, and
perceptions of risk heavily influence investor decision-making. We have learned much about
these behavioral characteristics and how they impact investment decisions by looking at
dissertations, thesis, and research articles. Understanding these psychological dynamics can
help investors and financial experts make more educated, logical decisions, improving long-
term investment results.
Keyword: Rational decision-making, Behaviour Finance, Heuristics, Dissertation, Thesis.

Smith, A. (2018). The Influence of Emotional States on Stock Market Participation.
(Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of XYZ.
Johnson, B. (2019). The Impact of Cognitive Biases on Stock Market Trading Behavior.
(Master’s thesis). ABC University.
Li, C., & Smith, J. (2020). The Impact of Herd Behavior on Asset Prices. Journal of
Behavioral Finance, 25(4), 345-365.

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Special Note : #CQF June 2023 Cohort Batch Booking started for Exam solutions guide 1-3 and Final Projects which programme starts from today onwards. #Book Online CQF January 2023 Cohort Final Projects Solutionsguide which releasing on 26th June 2023. Book Online on or before 26th June 23 since last date of Accepting booking is 26th June 23. For Quotation, WhatsApp +91 8697669523 or send us your Inquiry at : info@findtutoronline.net or findtutoronline.net@gmail.com

Change Management Strategies for Digital Transformation: A Comprehensive
Organizations increasingly embrace digital transformation projects to stay competitive and
foster innovation in today’s fast-changing digital market. However, as several Ph.D. thesis
and dissertations demonstrated, digital transformation involves more than just implementing
new technologies; it also entails a significant change in organizational culture, procedures,
and mindset. The followings are some of the change management techniques covered in this
article and their implications for successful digital transformation:
Recognizing the Landscape of Digital Transformation:
Organizations must first understand the complexities of the digital landscape to begin a
successful digital transformation path. According to Johnson’s (2018) dissertation research,
it’s critical to thoroughly review market trends, consumer preferences, and technology
developments. This study emphasizes the importance of coordinating digital transformation
goals with overarching company goals to ensure a purposeful and cohesive approach to
Developing a Strong Vision:
A compelling vision inspires Employees to accept and actively participate in the digital
transformation process, which serves as a driving force. A clear vision that conveys the
advantages of digital transformation to various stakeholders is essential, according to Brown’s
(2019) Ph.D. thesis. To ensure a common understanding of the result, this vision should
address the “what,” “why,” and “how” of the transformation.
Creating Successful Communication Channels:
During times of change, communication that is open and honest is essential. Smith’s
dissertation (2020) strongly emphasizes the necessity for businesses to build efficient
communication channels to share information, respond to employee problems, and get
employee feedback. This makes it possible to develop a welcoming workplace that promotes
teamwork, lessens resistance, and increases a sense of ownership among employees.

Developing Change Leadership Skills:
Leading change is essential for advancing digital transformation. In her doctoral dissertation,
Martinez (2017) claims that effective change agents must have a particular set of skills,
including strategic thinking, adaptability, and the capacity to motivate and empower people.
Organizations should foster change leadership skills through training programs, mentoring,
and coaching to achieve successful change implementation.
Empowering Employees:
The active participation and empowerment of employees are essential for the adoption of
digital transformation to be effective. Organizations should concentrate on building a culture
of ongoing learning and experimenting, according to Thompson’s work (2021), which
Thompson references in her dissertation. This includes giving people the chance to receive
training, promoting knowledge exchange, and identifying and rewarding innovative conduct.

Employees that feel empowered are more likely to welcome change and advance digital

Managing Change Resistance:
Organizations must actively manage resistance to change during digital transformation
because it is a common human reaction. The need to determine and treat the underlying
causes of resistance is emphasized in Davis’ (2018) doctoral dissertation. Assessments of a
company’s preparation for change, the use of change agents, and employee participation in
decision-making can all help. Resistance can also be reduced through open communication
and benefits clarification.
The complicated digital transformation process requires careful planning, carrying out, and
managing. Organizations must implement effective change management techniques to lead
organizations through the transformation process. Organizations can increase their chances of
successfully navigating digital transformation by comprehending the digital landscape,
developing a compelling vision, establishing effective communication channels, developing
change leadership competencies, empowering workers, and managing resistance.
Dissertations and Ph.D. thesis offer unique insights that can be used to create and practice
effective change management methods in digital transformation.
Keywords: Digital Transformation, Dissertation Writing Service, Academic Research Paper
Writing Service, Thesis Writing Services, PHD Thesis Writing Services

Brown, M. (2019). Crafting a compelling vision for digital transformation: Communicating
the benefits to stakeholders. (Unpublished doctoral thesis). ABC University.
Davis, L. (2018). Managing resistance to change during digital transformation: Identifying
root causes and implementing strategies. (Unpublished doctoral thesis). MNO University.
Johnson, A. (2018). Digital transformation: A comprehensive analysis of industry trends,
customer demands, and technological advancements. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation).
The University of XYZ.
Martinez, R. (2017). Building change leadership capabilities for successful digital
transformation. (Unpublished doctoral thesis). GHI University.
Smith, J. (2020). Effective communication channels for navigating digital transformation:
Addressing concerns and fostering collaboration. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). DEF
Thompson, S. (2021). Empowering employees for digital transformation: Fostering a culture
of learning and experimentation. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). JKL University.
Wilson, T. (2022). An iterative approach and agility in digital transformation: Adapting to
evolving market dynamics and emerging technologies. (Unpublished doctoral thesis). PQR

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Academic Research paper Writing Services in the Field of Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Supply Chain Management, International Marketing thesis is also one of our best services worldwide at a cheaper rates.

Assignment Task 1: Strategic Supply Chain
Management and Logistics

LO1. Understand the relationship between supply chain management (SCM) and
organizational business objectives
1.1 What are the organizational objectives of Meditech Surgicals? Explain the
importance of an effective supply chain management in achieving the organizational
objectives at Meditech Surgicals. (Assessment Criteria 1.1: Explain the importance
of effective supply chain management in achieving organizational objectives)
The organizational objectives of Meditech Surgicals are:

  • To be a leader in the endoscopic surgical instrument market.
  • To deliver cost effective and innovative endoscopy surgical instruments to
    hospitals on time
  • To provide the best customer service to domestic and international customers
    Supply chain management plays an important role in achieving the organizational
    objectives. It aims to link all the supply chain agents to jointly cooperate within the firm
    as a way to maximize productivity in the supply chain and deliver the most benefits to all
    related parties (Finch 2006). It helps organization to stay competitive in the market by
    outsourcing its non core functions and focusing on the core competencies. It allows
    organizations to rejig their entire operations and reframe it so that they operate at lower
    costs and maximize profit margins. For being a market leader, an organization must re-
    look the whole process and determine which processes can be downsized or upscaled for
    maximum competitive advantage. The main reason and objective of SCM is to provide a
    strategic weapon to build up and enhance sustainable competitive advantage by cost
    reduction without compromising customer satisfaction (Mentzer et al. 2001). When the
    organization reduces cost and maximizes value, products and processes become more
    innovative. This results in effective mass customization and improves product life cycles.
    Thus, the organization is powered well to cater to varied market segments and customer

1.2 What are the prime business functions of Meditech Surgicals? Explain the link
between supply chain management and business functions in Meditech Surgicals.
(Assessment Criteria 1.2: Explain the link between supply chain management and
business functions in an organization)
The prime business functions of Meditech Surgicals are:

  • Forecast demands and procure raw materials accordingly
  • Produce high end and innovative endoscopical surgical equiments
  • Deliver and distribute the equipments in a timely fashion and maintain
    sufficient inventory
  • Enhance profitability by catering to varied demands
    The supply chain constitutes of the total process ranging from obtaining raw materials
    through all suppliers to delivering the end product to the consumer. Supply Chain is the
    total chain of exchange from original source of raw material, through various firms
    involved in extracting and processing raw materials, manufacturing, assembling,
    distributing, and retailing to end customers (Saunders, 1997). Each step of the process
    adds value to the end product thereby making it a value chain. Thus it touches upon each
    of the business function by exchanging value addition. Business functions which are
    closely linked to supply chain management are: demand forecasting, production planning,
    raw material procurement, production of finished goods, storage and distribution,
    transportation, and order management. With an effective SCM, the organization will
    always have the right inventory holding and this eliminates the need for safety stock.
    Right from procurement of raw materials from suppliers to delivering finished goods to
    end consumer, an effective Supply chain management makes all the business functions
    efficient and cost effective.
    1.3 Discuss the key drivers for achieving an integrated supply chain strategy in
    Meditech Surgicals? (Assessment Criteria 1.3: Discuss the key drivers for achieving
    an integrated supply chain strategy in an organization)
    Supply Chain Management is an integrating philosophy to manage the total flow of a
    distribution channel from supplier to ultimate customer (Ellrarn & Cooper, 1993). The
    key drivers for achieving an integrated supply chain strategy in Meditech surgicals are:

An efficient customer service management process: Customer service
management is vital to the success of any organization since it acts as an
important source of customer information and satisfaction. On the other hand,
the customer also gets accurate information on new products and their
availability through interactiion with the production and distribution

  • Well co-ordinated procurement: Demand forecasting reports are shared
    with suppliers to assist the manufacturing process and new product
    development. This results in a reduced product development cycles and
    effective inventory management. With the advent of technology, e commerce
    interactive portals can help suppliers stay updated on the upcoming demands.
  • Innovative product development and customization: Integration of
    suppliers and customers into this process is paramount. This reduces
    production cycle times and the products reach faster to the market. This gives
    a lot of time for effective customization of the products to meet the varied
    customer needs.
  • Manufacturing and distribution: A flexible and adaptive manufacturing
    process is needed to meet the ever changing demands for quantities and mass
    customizations. When the manufacturing cycles are shortened, products are
    delivered faster and lead to better customer satisfaction. The finished products
    reach the distributors in a shorter period of time and hence they too don’t find
    it necessary to do panic ordering.
  • Warehousing: The concept of decentralized warehousing assists in timely
    distribution by reducing wait times and transportation delays. However, it is
    imperial to enhance communications between distributors, regional
    warehouses and the central warehouse so that demand forecasting and
    delivery are accurate and there are no cases of inflated demands which cause
    unnecessary load on production processes.

For More info, Please do write to us with your Inquiry at : info@findtutoronline.net or findtutoronline.net@gmail.com

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The benefits of the utilization of the construction contracts include, the requirements of the
agreement while performing home building, the contract paper preserves the rights of the
contractor or builders, superintendent, principles and the other involved parties. In
accordance with the Crown Build project case study, the building construction is located in
the NSW area and it is going to be a four storey building with the fixed amount of AUD28
million and within a fixed timeline as mentioned in the contractual document of this building
project and the contract has been signed under AS4000-1997 regulation. But in the middle of
the project development, it has been detected that the beam size is incorrect and the
contractor has provided notice to the principal and superintendent of the project. The
superintendent has corrected the drawing with correct beam size and instructed to eradicate
the implemented wrong beams. Now gradually the quantity of the handrails has increased
with labour const and delivery delay. Now, the contractor can apply for different progress
claims under different clauses.
Task 1
The Australian building industry mainly follows the laws and regulations of ABIC or
Australian Building Industry contracts, HIA or housing Industry of Australia and the
government contracts. Each of the construction projects in Australia follows jurisdictions of

Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 (NSW), Home Building
Act 1989 that mainly focuses on the building activities of the NSW Area. For the residential
building construction in the NSW area under Schedule 1 of Home Building ACT 1989 refers
that the roof plumbing and Specialist work will be done in relation with dwelling. Governing
law Clauses refers to the transactions between the parties that are mainly operated in the
territories and the states and the parties generally maintain and follow the legislation
attributes of Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) and the payment security legislation
(Wang and Burdon, 2021). According to the considered mandatory of the general guidelines
of the construction projects, the scope, timeline and the allocation of roles and responsibilities

will be mentioned (Appendix 3) The payment schedule along with the provisional sum and
the contract sum will be written and also the dispute resolution, relief damage, limitation
clauses and available reliefs are also mentioned in the construction contracts. The general
principles of the construction contracts uses different objectives such as the type of work

(commercial, design, residential), size and value of the contract, legislative requirements for
state and the mention of the parties who are administering the contract paper such as
architect, contractor, superintendent and the principles.
In accordance with the Australian Standards (AS) there are different general conditions that
are prepared by Standards Australian Committee. The general principles of construction
contract laws are described here-AS 4000-1997: This contract is signed for the construction
delivery purpose and is known as “general conditions of a contract”. AS 4901-1998: it is
mainly as a sub-contract and it is used with the AS4000 principles. AS 4902-2000: this is
mainly built for the construction delivery and design purpose and it is a variant of AS4000.

AS4905-2002 is signed for the minor contract conditions and it is administered by the
Superintendent. Thus, it is clear that the selection of the contract depends on the different
circumstances but there is some general reflection- The amendments or the body of the
contract, instruments of the contract or agreement that are written formally, and the annexure
parts. Some basic features of AS4000 are- the contractor of a construction project is required
to m\execute the completion of the construction project within a fixed timeline and at a lump
sum price. It is important to sign the agreement with the clearly mentioned date of completion
of the construction contracts, if the extension of time is required, and the contractor will have
to provide a ‘qualifying cause of delay’ (Swift, 2019). The case study deals with the
construction project of Crown build that is facing structural difficulties due to the proposed

wrong beam size and this dispute can be resolved by the AS4000-1997 contractual agreement
with the proper utilization of the clauses.
The advantages of using the standards forms of the Australian contracts are- it can reduce the
total cost, the scope of negotiation can be avoided with the signing of document and thus
influences the speediness of the process, However, in the agreement, the rights of the both of
the parties, the proper mentioning of the conditions of the contract, expected date of project
completion, the date of work commencement and the other terms and conditions related to
the construction project are clearly mentioned in the construction contracts. The benefits of
the utilization of the construction contracts include, the requirements of the agreement while
performing home building, the contract paper preserves the rights of the contractor or

builders, superintendent, principles and the other involved parties. The construction contracts
help to lay out the planning and conditions of the owner very clearly. It also ensures that the
owner of the building and the contractor are performing together in order to achieve a

common target, The clear guidelines of the contracts helps to perform a better construction
performance and the associate legislations add value to the protection of the builders and
traders (Jones, 2021). In addition to that the changes can be possible if there is any evidential
defect or damage or complaint occurs during the process.

Task 2
According to the case study of the Crown Build, the construction of the four storey building
under Crown Build developer is facing structural deficiencies as the superintendent of the
project has proposed wrong size of beams in the design paper. This issue has been resolved as
the contractor has informed the superintendent and the superintendent has issued a new
design with the correct size of the beams. Moreover, the superintendent has informed us to
remove the used beams and replace them with the correct beams (Appendix 2). Now this
situation has increased the amount of the stair handrails and thus it is enhancing the cost and
the time period. In this case, the contractor will apply for the provision of the compensation
rate from the superintendent as the dispute occurs due to the provision of incorrect
information by the Superintendent. This is a communication problem in the construction
management project.
The construction project of the Crown Build has been made according to the law of AS 4000-

1997 thus it includes a fixed timeframe and fixed allocated cost. For the Crown Build project
the time frame is 24 months and the allocated cost is AUD 28 million. But as the changes
have been done in the building design along with the beam sizes, there is a qualifying cause
of extension of the time period. Thus the contractor can apply for the delay delivery of the
project and delay cost under the AS4000-1997 legislations (EL GEZERY, 2018). The
contractor can apply for the EOT or the delay cost under AS4000 policy as the issue has been
caused by the omission of the Superintendent. In this regard, the qualifying cause of delay
compensable cause, 8.1 can be claimed for achieving the incurred cost due to the quantity
enhancement of the stair handrails, labour cost and beam removal cost.
Under clause number 25.3, the delay cost of the construction of Crown Build project involves
the labour cost. In addition to that the clause number 11.2 is also applicable in this regard as

the changes have been made and thus the costing structure is changing. The constructor can
use the clause in order to include the additional expenses with the lump sum cost of the
project. EOT can be applied in this case as there is a qualifying cause of delay as the mistake

has been done by the superintendent and the contractor can apply for achieving a relief. It
cannot be ignored that the principal of the project has also omitted the mistake made by the
superintendent in the beam size (Rıgga, 2019). In accordance with 34.2 clause number, the
contractor of Crown build has already sent a notice to the superintendent and the principal to
apply for EOT. This EOC will be received within 28 days after the claim has been done and
the delay cost has a qualifying cause of delay under clause number Qualifying cause of delay,

CC, 8.1.
Task 3
According to the policies of AS4000, the contractor of Crown Build can claim for the
expansion of the time frame in order to carry out WUC and the contractor needs to prepare a
qualifying cause of delay statement with evidential attributes. There are fundamentally two
types of qualifying cause of delay- i) it is applicable when any omission or mistake is made
by the superintendent of a building construction project and ii) it is applicable when the
mistake or default is made by the contractor of a building construction project or due to
industrial and weather conditions (Van Der Westhuizen and Evans, 2019). In the case of the
Crown Build project, the mistake has been performed by the superintendent of the building
construction as in the initial design the superintendent has proposed an incorrect beam size
which is shorter than the required beams. The Item number 23 can identify another factor
about the qualifying cause of delay as it measures if the EOT is not grantable in this situation.
After that the extension delay will be transformed into the calendar and the business days.
Under clause number 34.2, the contractor will be liable to submit the delay notice and in this

case the contractor of Crown Build has to submit proper documentation with the evidence of
the beam fault to the superintendent of the building project and the principal (RUGINĂ,
2021). This documentation will include the cause of delay and the estimated delivery date of
the project. In this regard it can be considered that claiming of EOC notice and delay notice
are different notices issued by the contractor. The provision of EOC notice comes under
clause number 34.2 and the delay notice provision comes under clause number 34.3. In
accordance with the regulation of clause number 34.3, the contractor of Crown Build has to
provide evidence regarding the fault in the beam size, responsible person and the extended
timeline in the notice of the EOT.

The process of claiming for EOT under AS4000 includes the submission and accessing of
notice of delay with the evidences for ‘qualifying cause of delay’ under the clause number

34.2, provision of delay notice, EOT claiming notice under the clause number 34.3, delay
damage claim as stated in the clause number 34.9 and 41.1 and the final assessment under the
clause number 34.4 (Appendix 1). The dispute in the construction building project will come
under 42.1 and the progress claim will be done as an activity of the payment security policy
according to clause number 37.1 (Montalbán-Domingo et al. 2019).
However, demonstration of the delay will be properly reported in the EOC notice. In
accordance with the policies, the superintendent of the Crown Build project has taken
mitigation steps in order to resolve the issue of the incorrect beam size. For taking effective
steps, the superintendent has designed a new building drawing with correct beam size and
instructed to remove the wrong beams that are already implemented in the building.

However, clause number 34.9 is identifying the compensable cause under AS4000-1997. Due
to the omission and the defaulted act of the superintendent, the clause number 1.1 stated that
it is a subject of compensable cause. The item number 26 (Annexure Part A) can detect the
other qualifying causes of damage delay and it also can be ‘Nil’ but the ‘Nil ‘refers that there
is no additional cost found in the case.
The quantum inclusion and the basics of claim need to be considered while preparing the
notice for the damage delay claims. The contractor has to submit and keep updating the
prepared claim as evidencing aspects for the delay. The clause number 34.4 includes both the
non-qualifying and qualifying delay causes in the cases of the overlapped situation. In this
case, it can be considered the prevention steps will be evaluated by the contractor to measure
if the objectives are affecting his attributes or not. Moreover, according to clause number

42.1, the contractor can also provide a dispute notice if he found any disagreement with the
proposal of the superintendent’s instruction (Adzoyi and Nani, 2021). The contractor can also
involve incurred cost that has been increased due to the replacement of the shorter size
beams, labour cost and the increased quantity of the handrails. These inclusions of the cost
will be done under clause number 36.2.
Task 4
There are fundamentally two reasons for claiming cost. Firstly, the incorrect beam size has
extended the delivery date of the building construction and on the other hand the labour cost
associated with the extension of the project and the removal and implementation of the newly

proposed correct beams. These types of costs are regarded as the “global cost claim”. In this

regard the superintendent will be considered as a liable person to provide the compensation
cost to the constructor or the builder. The clause number 36.2 indicates that the incurred cost
structure can be claimed by Crown Build as the variation has occurred in the contractual cost
structure. The cost claim will be made as the superintendent has made a mistake in the
building drawing with incorrect beam size. In order to respond to the cost variation, the
contractor will provide the incurred cost quotation and this quotation needs to be verified and
sanctified by the superintendent as a sign of approval. This cost structure will include the
additional cost of the raw materials, labour cost and the extension period cost. It will be
called ‘cost plus agreement’. In accordance with the policies, the superintendent of the Crown
Build project has taken mitigation steps in order to resolve the issue of the incorrect beam
size. For taking effective steps, the superintendent has designed a new building drawing with
correct beam size and instructed to remove the wrong beams that are already implemented in
the building. However, clause number 34.9 is identifying the compensable cause under
AS4000-1997 (Klee, 2018). Due to the omission and the defaulted act of the
the clause number 1.1 stated that it is a subject of compensable cause.
According to clause 26, the expense claim will involve the additional cost with the lump sum
cost in the contract. In addition to that the clause number 25.6 will be applicable as it
indicates the delay labour cost that is a delay damage expense. The clause number 11.2 needs
to be applied as there is a verified costing structure in the construction of the Crown build
project. The clause number 26 will also include the additional costs with the main costing
structure. Now the additional cost includes the labour cost, implemented beam removal cost,
extension cost and the quantity increment cost of the handrails (Hastie, Sutrisna and Egbu,
2017). The value of the raw materials will be added in the additional cost structure according
to the law of AS4000.
As the Crown Build project has been signed under the law AS 4000-1997, the financial and
delay dispute will come under different clauses. The provision of EOC notice comes under
clause number 34.2 and the delay notice provision comes under clause number 34.3. In
addition to that the clause number 25.6 will be applicable as it indicates the delay labour cost
that is a delay damage expense. Under clause number 25.3, the delay cost of the construction
of Crown Build project involves the labour cost. In addition to that the clause number 11.2 is
also applicable in this regard as the changes have been made in the cost structure.


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