#Mahesh Sir #CQF Tutors Whats App No.+91 8697669523 #findtutoronline.net
This is a quantitative research / risk management training company that organises training and conferences across all asset classes worldwide.
Quants Hub is a comprehensive online e-Learning platform for Quantitative Analysts, Risk Managers, Structuring and Trading Desks, Model Validation, Programmers & Developers, Financial Engineers & Treasury Desks. Use the Quants Hub as a learning resource for your team, or part of your companies learning & development strategy.
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#CQF Online Tutoring, #CQF Final Projects
Pl do visit Mahesh Sir Linked Profile : https://www.linkedin.com/in/mahesh-sarkar-mba-cqf-ca-cfa-usa-6919367b/
Pl do visit our Facebook page for CQF Exam3 & Cqf final Projects June 2019 Cohort : https://www.facebook.com/cqfmodulesolutions/
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Special Note : We are not connected with CQF nor Endorsed by CQF nor any official support of CQF.